Update : 25-01-2025
Table of Contents :
1 - identification of the company / legal mentions
2 - scope of application
3 - products offered for sale
4 - quotations
5 - orders
6 - price / billing
7 - delivery
8 - delivery times
9 - products information
10 - payment
11 - retention property
12 - right of withdrawal / specific clauses
13 - guarantee
14 - obligations of the company
15 - obligations of the customer
16 - E-PROPS resellers
17 - intellectual property
18 - force majeure
19 - dispute resolution and applicable law
20 - data privacy
21 - EXPORT section
Article 1 : identification of the company / legal mentions
Address : ZI Aerodrome Sisteron - Le Plan 04200 VAUMEILH France
President / Publication Director : Anne LAVRAND
SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with 100 000 € capital
SIRET N# : 508 086 626 00027 R.C.S. MANOSQUE
Intracommunity VAT # : FR47 508 086 626
APE code : 3030Z
Phone : +33 4 92 34 00 00
Email address :
Websites :
e-props.fr /
ppg.e-props.fr /
aircraft.e-props.fr /
blogen.e-props.fr /
Web hosting : 1&1 IONOS Internet SARL / 7, place de la Gare 57200 Sarreguemines France / 0825 080 020 / support@1and1.fr / www.1and1.fr
Article 2 : scope of application
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are intended to define the contractual relationship between E-PROPS and the buyers of its products, as well as the conditions applicable to any purchase made from E-PROPS, whether the customer is professional or private.
The sales of the company are subject to these General Conditions, which prevail over all purchasing conditions, except formal and written waiver.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are available on the E-PROPS website. It is up to each customer to read it before placing an order, by consulting them on the website or by asking them by phone, mail or email.
Consequently, the fact of placing an order, whatever the method of placing the order, implies the customer's adherence to these Terms and Conditions, to the exclusion of all other documents issued by the company, which have not indicative value.
E-PROPS reserves the right to modify its Terms of Sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the customer. Unless proved otherwise, the data recorded by E-PROPS constitutes the proof of all transactions.
Article 3 : products offered for sale
The products offered by E-PROPS comply with the French legislation in force and the standards applicable in France.
The responsibility of E-PROPS can not be engaged in case of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the product is delivered (for example in case of prohibition of a product ...).
It is the customer's responsibility to check with the local authorities the possibilities of importing or using the products ordered.
The products offered are those listed in the catalogs published on the various E-PROPS websites.
It is essential to refer to the detailed description of each product to know the specific characteristics.
Article 4 : quotations
Quotations written by E-PROPS include the following: date of writing, name and address of the company, name of the prospect, detailed breakdown of each service, in quantity and unit price, total amount to pay excluding taxes and all taxes understood, and possibly the duration of validity of the offer.
If no specific mention appears, for example in the context of quotes or proposals sent by e-mail, the quotes are valid for 7 full days from the date of issue.
Privacy Notice: Information exchanged between persons requesting information, potential buyers and customers and E-PROPS are confidential, subject to confidentiality and intended for the exclusive use of the recipient (s).
Any disclosure, reproduction or other dissemination or use of such communications is strictly prohibited.
This is particularly the case for e-mail exchanges which are in no way intended to be widely distributed. E-PROPS reserves the right to prosecute any person who disseminates confidential information to third parties not concerned.
Article 5 : orders
To place an order, two solutions are available to customers :
1- E-SHOP Online Store ppg.e-shop.fr :
The customer validates his order when he activates the
"validate order" link and confirms the ordering process.
Then he implicitly accepts the order process and these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
The data recorded by E-PROPS constitutes proof of the nature, content, date and method of payment of the order.
Those data are archived by E-PROPS; the customer can access this archiving by contacting the customer service by email.
2- Mail or email :
The customer can establish his order by mail addressed to E-PROPS or by email to : helices@e-props.fr
Orders are only final when their payment has been fully registered by the E-PROPS Accounting Department.
Then the commercial service of E-PROPS sends an Acknowledgment of receipt to the customer, which specifies the effective date of conclusion of the purchase contract.
This Acknowledgment is sent most often by email; it can also be sent by post.
The confirmation of the order entails acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the acknowledgment of having perfect knowledge of them and the waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.
Article 6 : price / billing
Prices shown are in Euros (€), based on prevailing economic conditions.
Delivery charges may be included in the selling price, or charged at the end of the order in addition to the products ordered.
If these conditions were to be modified for any reason whatsoever (duties, taxes, exchange rate, ...), the invoiced prices could vary according to changes in these conditions. The modification of the amount of the price to be paid will then be indicated to the customer, and will have to obtain his prior agreement.
The price promotions posted on the website, communicated in the press, proposed by email or published by different partners, are valid over the period indicated and according to the conditions defined.
Any deduction made on the invoices for any reason is deductible from the turnover and leads to a reduction proportional to the amount of the taxes (in France : VAT).
An invoice is drawn up for each delivery, even partial.
The invoice mentions the date on which the payment must occur. It specifies the discount conditions applicable in the event of payment at a date prior to that resulting from the application of the General Conditions of Sale, the penalty rate payable on the day following the settlement date entered on the invoice and the date of payment, amount of the lump sum indemnity for recovery costs due to the creditor in the event of late payment (€ 40, see Article D. 441-5).
The settlement is deemed to be made on the date the funds are made available by the client to E-PROPS.
Unless prior agreement under certain conditions, the price is payable in cash and in full on the day of placing the order by the customer.
E-PROPS will not be required to proceed with the delivery of products ordered by the customer if it does not pay the price in full under the conditions indicated above.
Payments made by the customer will only be considered final once the amounts due by E-PROPS have been collected.
In addition, E-PROPS reserves the right, in case of non-compliance with the terms of payment above, to suspend or cancel the delivery of current orders made by the customer.
Article 7 : delivery
Delivery is made:
- by the direct delivery of the goods to the client
- by notice of availability
- by delivery to a carrier
Deliveries delivered by a carrier are made to the address indicated by the customer when ordering on the website, by email or mail.
In case of special request of the customer concerning the conditions of packing or transport of the ordered products, duly accepted in writing by E-PROPS, the related costs will be the object of an additional specific invoicing, on estimate beforehand accepted in writing by the client.
In the event of damage or damage to the parcels occurring during the delivery, it is the customer's responsibility to formulate precise and detailed reserves on the carrier's delivery receipt in the presence of the deliveryman, and to confirm these same reserves by registered letter, within three working days of receiving the goods from the carrier and E-PROPS.
In case of loss, the customer must notify E-PROPS in writing of the non-receipt of his order. An investigation is conducted with the carrier; this can take several days. During this period, no refund or return can be made. After confirmation of the loss of the package from the carrier, the customer will benefit from the refund of his purchase or the re-shipment of his order.
In the absence of these reserves, E-PROPS will in no way be held liable, and therefore no claim for compensation may be granted.
Article 8: delivery times
Delivery times are indicated as accurately as possible during the order exchange.
E-PROPS makes every effort to deliver the products ordered as quickly as possible and to keep its customers informed.
Article 9 : products information
The characteristics of the products offered for sale are presented on the different websites.
E-PROPS makes every effort to ensure that the photographs that illustrate the presentation of its products reproduce them as faithfully as possible, and above all, do not contain ambiguities and misleading statements that may mislead the client about the characteristics. and components of its products.
In the event that a photograph and / or text contains an error or an inaccuracy, E-PROPS undertakes to rectify it as soon as possible.
All the texts and images presented on the site are reserved, for the whole world, under the rights of author and intellectual property; their reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden without the formal agreement of E-PROPS. Similarly, any establishment of hypertext links to the site without the express authorization of the legal representative of the company is strictly prohibited.
Article 10 : payment
Purchases of all E-PROPS products are payable cash with order. An order confirmation is sent immediately by the E-PROPS commercial department.
The payment can be made with :
- bank transfer
- credit card (VISA and MASTERCARD only, or credit card via PAYPAL)
- bank check (checks from French banks only)
The possible fees due to the payment, whatever their nature and / or their origin, are integrally the responsibility of the customer.
The invoice will then be either attached to the package containing the goods, or sent by email or post.
Article 11 : retention property
E-PROPS retains ownership of the goods sold until effective payment of the full price in principal and accessories.
In the case of incomplete payment, the client is therefore forbidden to dispose of the products in order to resell or transform them.
The customer is obliged to immediately inform E-PROPS of any difficulties likely to cause his failure as well as any seizures made by third parties on products.
In the absence of payment, even partial, E-PROPS will be entitled to demand the immediate return of the delivered material. All the costs generated by this refund will be borne by the client.
Article 12: right of withdrawal / specific clauses
In accordance with Article L.121-21 of the French Consumer Code, the customer has a period of
14 days working from the date of delivery of his order to return any item does not not suitable and request the exchange or refund.
The return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer, as well as the costs related to the refund (eg transfer fees).
In the case of an order for several goods delivered separately, the withdrawal period runs upon receipt of the last goods.
The client must physically take possession of the property in order to exercise his right of withdrawal.
The return can only be accepted for products in perfect condition, properly packaged, complete (accessories, covers, screws, manual, technical notice ...), with a copy of the invoice.
Items returned incomplete, repaired, modified, damaged or excessively soiled by the customer are not returned or exchanged.
Please note: special manufacturing products, customised, are not returned or exchanged, except special case specified when ordering. The shipping costs, the mandatory insurance of the parcel and the potential customs duties must be paid by the customer.
Specific clause concerning slight appearance defects of E-PROPS propellers :
The manufacturing process of E-PROPS carbon propellers (RTM injection) depends on a large number of factors.
Each E-PROPS propeller is a unique object. An E-PROPS propeller can include:
- some irregularities (small bubbles, microcracks in the resin, inclusions or spots),
- small linear irregularities (light stripes type),
- slight crushing at the blade foot during initial tightening,
- small lighter or more transparent areas in the epoxy resin, often visible in bright light,
- some variations in hue or appearance.
These slight defects in appearance do not weaken the propeller, do not degrade its characteristics and do not affect its performance.
They can not be considered by the customer as major defects and can not lead to the refusal of the acceptance of the order after the customer.
Specific clause "6 months satisfied or your money back", for AIRCRAFT range
This clause is described in detail on this page :
6 Months Money Back Guarantee
Article 13 : guarantee
The products manufactured and sold by E-PROPS benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity (Articles L211-1 to L212-1 of the French Consumer Code) and the legal guarantee against latent defects (Articles 1641 to 1649 of the French Civil Code).
E-PROPS warrants to the original customer that its products are free from defects in workmanship or materials, for a period that meets local regulatory standards, from the date of purchase.
This warranty is subject to the following limitations:
- the guarantee is valid only when the products are used according to its original purpose. In particular, the use of an E-PROPS propeller on any other engine (engine + gearbox) than that for which it was designed and marketed is prohibited, and cancels any E-PROPS warranty.
- E-PROPS will perform a final warranty assessment, which may require inspection and / or product photos, clearly showing the defect(s).
- If a product is found to be defective by E-PROPS, the warranty covers only the repair or replacement of the defective product.
- E-PROPS will not be responsible for any costs, losses, or damages incurred as a result of the loss of use of this product. The use of E-PROPS products on an aircraft is the sole responsibility of the owner of the aircraft. [1]
- The warranty does not cover damage caused by improper assembly, misuse or normal wear and tear, including - but not limited to - damages caused by:
* use on another motor / gearbox than recommended by E-PROPS,
* improper installation and / or assembly (for example without following the instructions in the Manual, the Notice or the Service Bulletins / Service Letters [2]),
* the change of components supplied by E-PROPS (example: screws),
* mishandling or exposure to bad storage conditions,
* unauthorized repair, modification and/or intervention on E-PROPS original parts (examples: extended hubs [3], repairs [4]),
* the removal of some components (example: stickers [5]),
* the use of the propeller very low over the water or sand surface without leading edge protection (for example in the case of "barefoot" flights),
* shocks with the ground, with stones, with a part of the aircraft or of the engine, with screws, springs, lines, cables, flanges, etc ...
and generally, regardless of the cause except for a defect in the product due to workmanship or materials.
The original invoice must accompany all warranty claims. The name of the dealer and the date of purchase must be clear and legible.
There are no warranties that extend beyond the warranty specified herein.
In order to assert his rights, the customer must,
under pain of forfeiture of any action relating thereto :
- have had registreted his propeller with E-PROPS, through the
WARRANTY REGISTRATION PAGE (or directly by email
- have informed E-PROPS, in writing, of the possible existence of manufacturing defects and / or an incident linked to the possible existence of a defect in a
maximum delay of 8 days as from their discovery.
[1] Assembly / Use :
Each E-PROPS propeller, whether for ultralights, airplanes, paramotors or drones, has been designed, calculated, tested and manufactured for a specif set of engine - gearbox.
At the time of the sale, all these indications are specified on the invoice and / or the delivery note. If the propeller is then purchased secondhand and the information has not followed, the new owner can join the E-PROPS team to ask on which engine his propeller can be mounted. The customer has just to give the serial number of one of the blades to the E-PROPS commercial department.
Use of an E-PROPS propeller on any other engine than that for which it was designed and sold is prohibited, and voids any E-PROPS warranty.
In particular, a propeller designed for an engine with gearbox must never be mounted on a direct drive motor : this would be extremely dangerous.
E-PROPS products must be assembled and used in accordance with the "Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual" or the specific notice.
These documents are available on the website and/or given to the customer with the propeller.
Improper assembly, improper use and lack of maintenance of the products made and/or selected by E-PROPS can not in any case engage the responsibility and the guarantee of E-PROPS.
Particular attention must be paid to the tightening of the screws to hold the propellers on the engines: this must be done with the utmost care, following the instructions in the Manuals and/or Notices delivered with each propeller.
In case those Manuals or Notices are missing, please ask the E-PROPS team. All the updated Manuals and all officials documents can be found on the E-PROPS website. See
Carefully read the Installation and Maintenance Manual and/or Notice, Service Bulletins / Service Letters and follow the instructions before starting the engine with the propeller.
Failure to do so may result in serious bodily injury or even death. Compliance with the instructions must apply throughout the life of the propeller by following the control instructions (tightening, pitch, surface condition, etc.)
In case of deliberate non-compliance with the instructions in the manuals, the guarantee can not be applied and the E-PROPS company can not be held responsible for any problems that may arise.
E-PROPS reserves the right to sue a customer who deliberately chose not to assemble, adjust and maintain his E-PROPS propeller without respecting the instructions of the documents provided by E-PROPS.
The user of the propeller must make sure that his propeller can not touch any of the components of the aircraft, in any configuration, on the ground or in flight. A shock between the rotating propeller and one of the components of the aircraft could be very dangerous.
For any questions, the E-PROPS team is always available.
[2] Certification / Approval :
All E-PROPS propellers are designed in accordance with aeronautical standards, in particular CS-P, and meet the requirements of ASTM F2506-13.
Some E-PROPS products are EASA-certified and can be fitted to certified aircraft.
Others are not certified following aeronautical standards, and can be used on non-certified aircraft, experimental aircraft, ultralights, motogliders,
paramotors, drones, and any vehicle on which engine stoppage or loss of propeller in flight is not a safety issue.
The user / pilot assumes the risks of using such “non-certified” propellers, and acknowledges that the engine/propeller assembly is subject to sudden stoppage.
In accordance with these regulations, the use of E-PROPS products on aircraft is the sole responsibility of the aircraft owner.
All manuals, instructions, assembly and maintenance drawings and videos, Service Bulletins, Service Letters can be found on the www.e-props.fr website.
[3] Extended hubs :
NEVER cut an E-PROPS extended hub (propellers for aircraft / ultralights). The extended hubs are designed and manufactured for a defined length. Cut them is similar to destroy the mechanical strength of the hub. This would be very dangereous.
It is absolutely FORBIDDEN to fly with an E-PROPS extended hub which would have been cutted.
If the hub has not the requested length, please contact the E-PROPS team for change. The change will be invoiced.
[4] Repairs / Interventions on a E-PROPS product :
If an incident requires repair on an E-PROPS product, it must be performed by E-PROPS or an authorized repairer after exchanges with the E-PROPS team.
For a list of authorized repairers, please contact the company: helices@e-props.fr
Please note =>
The manufacturing process of E-PROPS propellers (RTM injection on carbon braid) is very specific and requires specific materials, procedure and installation.
Repairs other than small impacts in the resin can only be performed by E-PROPS or an authorized repairer who has received training from the company.
A repair made by a person without the written permission of E-PROPS could be very dangerous.
If an E-PROPS propeller has been previously unauthorized by E-PROPS, then no repairs or modifications can be made by E-PROPS.
The damaged propellers sent to E-PROPS for expertise and which prove irreparable according to the analysis of the design office are not sent back to the customer.
They are stored at E-PROPS for a year and then destroyed. The E-PROPS team refuses to take the risk that a damaged aeronautical product that is irreparable - and therefore dangerous - comes back on the market.
Any intervention on the E-PROPS propellers without the prior approval of the team releases the company from all liability and in effect voids any warranty.
Please note =>
When a parcel is shipped to E-PROPS by a customer for a repair or a component change : the shipping costs, the mandatory insurance of the parcel and the potential customs duties must be paid by the customer.
[5] Stickers :
Except in specific cases and with initial agreement with the customer, a sticker
"E-PROPS" is placed on each blade of an E-PROPS propeller during manufacturing.
Some hubs also come with stickers reminding of technical instructions.
Note that these stickers are in place during balancing and final control of the propeller. It is recommended to leave them in place.
Article 14 : obligations of the company
E-PROPS undertakes to provide, at the latest at the same time as the delivery of the product, the technical information necessary for the installation of the equipment transferred.
These Notices and Manuals are available on the E-PROPS websites. See
In case of unavailability of certain products, E-PROPS reserves the right to provide other products that fulfill the same performance criteria.
As each company of the aeronautic sector, the E-PROPS company may be required to edit Service Bulletins and Service Letters.
The Service Bulletins and Service Letters are published by the manufacturers of aeronautical products.
They are established to prevent the users of a technical problem, a novelty or an improvement of the aeronautical product, as well as to transmit a technical information concerning the use
of the aeronautical product. The Service Bulletins are available here :
Service Bulletins / Serive Letters
Article 15 : obligations of the customer
The customer will, under his own responsibility, determine his needs and choose his equipment.
He must ensure the payment of his orders and associated costs within the allotted time.
He will have to make sure that the E-PROPS products are imperatively assembled and used according to the Manuals and Notices, and that the propeller is well mounted on the engine defined during
the order.
He will also have to make sure that the propeller and its accessories will not be able to touch any of the components of the aircraft.
Improper assembly, incorrect tightening, improper use and lack of maintenance of E-PROPS products will in no way engage the responsibility and guarantee of the E-PROPS company.
Article 16 : E-PROPS resellers
The E-PROPS company markets its products directly and also through a wide network of resellers in more than 80 countries.
Resellers of E-PROPS products are imperatively aviation professionals: aircraft manufacturers, mechanical workshops, aero-clubs, schools, etc.
Except in specific cases, E-PROPS offers no territorial exclusivity.
The exchanges between the E-PROPS company and its resellers are strictly confidential, in particular with regard to the contractual conditions
linking them to E-PROPS.
Any disclosure of confidential information within the framework of this partnership may result in the suspension or termination of the tacit contract
between E-PROPS and its reseller.
Resellers undertake to the E-PROPS company to promote the E-PROPS brand, to inform prospects, to facilitate and encourage the purchase of E-PROPS products, to place an order with E-PROPS
by indicating all the technical elements necessary for its processing at E-PROPS, and to carry out the assembly, adjustments, technical and administrative support with their end customers.
The reseller is fully responsible for its end customers. In the event of a problem of any kind (technical, administrative, commercial...), the final customer must first contact his reseller.
In the event of the latter’s failure to fulfil its obligations, the E-PROPS company may take over part of the reseller’s responsibilities, with the exception of those relating to commercial
and financial aspects.
Note: former resellers, those whose contract has not been renewed by the E-PROPS company, remain nevertheless responsible for their final customers.
All technical information distributed by the E-PROPS company (information note, service bulletin, etc.) must be relayed by the reseller to its final customers without delay.
The E-PROPS products must be supplied complete and compliant by the reseller to the final customer.
In particular:
- The screws used to assemble the propeller on the engine must be the ones supplied by E-PROPS.
- Addresses where E-PROPS instruction manuals can be found and all documents relating to these manuals must be forwarded to the end customer.
The assembly, adjustment and maintenance of the E-PROPS propellers by a reseller of the E-PROPS brand must be carried out in full compliance with the specifications of the E-PROPS Manuals
(according to propeller models) and all E-PROPS recommendations (briefing note, service bulletin, etc...). Any improper installation, adjustment and maintenance will immediately result in
the cancellation of the E-PROPS agreement with the reseller.
Improper assembly, improper tightening, improper use and lack of maintenance of the E-PROPS products by a reseller or a former reseller of the brand will under no circumstances incur the
liability and warranty of the E-PROPS company.
Reminder : in non-certified / experimental aviation, the end customer is solely responsible for the installation, adjustment and maintenance of their aircraft
and the essential components of their aircraft (engine, propeller).
In return for the actions and responsibilities of its resellers, the E-PROPS company grants them discounts on the retail prices of its products and provides them with privileged technical
and administrative support.
The selling prices of products offered by E-PROPS resellers are subject to limitation: they may not exceed the public prices indicated on the E-PROPS websites,
with the exception of shipping costs and/or assembly and installation costs provided by the resellers.
Resellers may grant discounts to their customers, but may not pass on the full E-PROPS discount to their end customers.
Article 17 : intellectual property
All information of the E-PROPS websites are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of E-PROPS.
E-PROPS and UAV-PROPS trademarks are registered trademarks of INPI by E-PROPS.
Nobody is allowed to reproduce, exploit, repost, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the sites (software, visual or sound).
Any single link or hypertext link is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of E-PROPS.
Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and may constitute an offense of counterfeiting.
In addition, the company remains the owner of all intellectual property rights on studies, drawings, models, prototypes, etc., made (including at the request of his client) for the provision of services to his client.
The customer is therefore prohibited from any reproduction or exploitation of said studies, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the express written prior authorization of the company, which may condition a possible agreement to a financial counterpart.
Article 18 : force majeure
In addition to the elements usually retained by French case law, the obligations of E-PROPS will be automatically suspended in the cases of elements beyond its express will preventing the normal execution of the contract, such as:
- fire
- storm
- exceptional snowfall
- flooding (including flood following overflow of watercourses)
- failure of computer systems
E-PROPS, noting the event, will promptly inform the client of the impossibility of performing the service.
The suspension of the obligations can not in any case be cause of responsibility for non-performance of the obligations, nor to induce the payment of damages and interests or penalties of delay.
Upon the disappearance of the cause of suspension of obligations, E-PROPS will inform its client of the resumption of its obligation.
Article 19 : dispute resolution and applicable law
By express agreement between the parties,
this contract is governed by and subject to French Law .
Those General Terms and Conditions of Sale is written in French. In the event that it is translated into one or more languages, only the French text will prevail in case of dispute.
The parties will make every effort to seek an amicable agreement before any contentious action.
All disputes to which this contract could give rise, concerning its validity, its interpretation, its execution, its termination, their consequences and their consequences will be submitted to the competent courts under common law conditions.
In case of dispute with professionals and / or traders, the Courts of DIGNE-LES-BAINS (Alpes de Haute Provence) will be competent.
Article 20 : data privacy
The information collected through registration on this website is stored in a file computerized by E-PROPS for the management of its customers.
They are kept for one year and are intended only for the commercial service established within the European Union.
No information about E-PROPS customers is transmitted to any organization, structure, company or private.
In accordance with the French Law called "Informatique et libertés", any customer or prospect can exercise his right of access to data and have them rectified by contacting the Customer Service of E-PROPS by:
- email: helices@e-props.fr
- as at +33 4 92 34 00 00
- letter addressed to the customer service department of the company E-PROPS (Z.I. Aerodrome of Sisteron, 04200 Vaumeilh)
- on site during the opening hours of the E-PROPS workshops
Article 21 : EXPORT section
Conditions for export of E-PROPS products / for Customs
E-PROPS Products
- Carbon fiber parts
- Ultra-light carbon fiber propellers for civil recreational small aircraft (leisure aviation)
- Propeller accessories
Products Made in France
E-PROPS products are entirely manufactured in France, 04200 Sisteron - Vaumeilh.
They meet the "Made in France criteria" defined in application of the Rules of Origin applicable in the European Union.
This is officially certified by competent authority : Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects, France. Document IMF FR-IMF-2020-15.
Marquage d’origine France document ref 20000084" dated 24 January 2020
Certificat de Marquage d'origine France E-PROPS
Customs HS codes
E-PROPS products correspond to the following HS codes in the customs nomenclature :
68151900 : Articles of carbon fibres (excl. fabrics)
88071000 : Propellers and rotors and parts thereof, for aircraft
90311000 : Machines for balancing mechanical parts
73181900 : Threaded articles, of iron or steel
This list is indicative and may be supplemented according to E-PROPS activities and orders.
Countries under embargo
E-PROPS company never has any contacts, does not sell or deliver products to countries under embargo of the United Nations Organization and/or
the European Union.
No re-export to Russia clause
The Buyer of E-PROPS products shall not sell, export or re-export, directly or indirectly, to the Russian Federation or Belarus, nor for use in the Russian
Federation or Belarus any goods supplied under or in connection with this Agreement that fall under the scope of Article 12g of Council Regulation
(EU) No 833/2014 or Article 8g of EU 765/2006; and ensure that the purpose of these is not frustrated by any third parties, including end-users,
distributors and resellers.
Document for the customs, added to all export invoices (dated 25-01-2025):
Document for customs / DHL (24-01-2025) :